Taking a Risk...

What is risk? 

How do you weigh the pros and cons of risk-taking? 

Is it smart or just plain stupid? 

What are the advantages of risk-taking and is it a risk if it's your life's purpose? As you can see this post could entirely be a series of questions. That's because risk-taking is essentially a subjective group of human behavior. Just simply walking out the door each day and entering the world is a risk in itself. So what quantifies positive risk-taking? How long do we enter the world of high-risk high-reward? 

Better yet, what happens if you don't risk it all? I think that's where it stops and starts back up to the beginning. Taking a risk is inevitable and choosing the one worth pursuing becomes the power of human expression. Your system is set up very uniquely through the laws of nature. In one instance you as an organism need extreme stress to become adaptable. You must constantly seek out and find hard things to do if you want to reap the rewards of dopamine. This powerful "Happy" chemical in the body that keeps you moving forward. It takes a massive amount of consistent effort and strain to fully comprehend that the journey that's worth struggling for is the root of success in the human alignment of joy. Now, on the other hand, your default system is purely to survive with your time on the planet. All your brain wants from you is the comfort of knowing it's safe and in good hands. This would mean, mitigate risk. Again, nature wins by placing us in an intellectual puzzle of our thinking to whether or not we're living our best self. 

Through the years of self-actualization for any individual, it becomes the acceptance of what is difficult that yet again holds the keys to fulfillment. Running through the system your body starts by recognizing the mass amount of cells within it. These cells are manipulated by breathing, nutrition, movement, and sleep. The quality in which you entertain these laws becomes the level of your internal feelings. It ends up being the air you breathe and the way you eat in which you think. Too often we deeply misunderstand sleep and that our nervous system is still perceiving the environment as safe or not in the quality that we rest. The rest alone is earned through the work in which you previously put in. If the body has not been stressed then there is nothing to rest. These non-negotiable's are your first steps to positive risk-taking: Breath, Nutrition, Move, Sleep. 

Moving up the chain of command. Ever notice how you act your way into certain friend circles. Changing the clothes you wear, the language you use, and the story you tell. This is not a bad thing. In fact, it's a human trait that we learn at an early age. We are consummate actors to the environment we're exposed to at birth learning how to get what we want through the way we act. Once you can understand and accept this concept of role-playing you stop being naïve to it as well as believing everyone's appearance for true reality. This power turns in the acceptance that the world is a play and you create the plot line. Risk-taking again becomes more positive. 

Finally, you have come to the platform of strong grounds built-in through the relationship you have with discipline and habits within human health. There is not a human on the planet that's useful who is not also healthy. Moving past this you establish creation. The gift of civilization. Our ability to perceive the world and create it through our thinking. This builds the grand daddy of them all...a growth mindset. This self-actualization becomes that constant surge of motivation you so desperately search for. Providing the tools and awareness in which risk is worth taking and which is not. How do you get started? You already have...It just comes down to whether or not the risk you're in is worth struggling for. 

One Love,


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