Human Energy

Before we could communicate it was energy that we felt. Could I trust you purely off the energy I observed? This deep innate quality in us humans still last today. It’s the reason why you change tone when asking questions, or greeting certain people. Example: Best friend walks into the room...You’re immediately recognizing their energy (body language, vision, breathing) and in that split moment off what you felt will be the tone in how you ask “What’s up?”... concerned: Your eyebrows squint voice lowers as you say what’s up. Excited: Eyebrows raise, voice louder pitch.

This gets received on the other end and that person you acknowledged now feels your energy with how you’ve perceived them. Whether they knew it or not they saw it in your eyes. Felt it in your voice. This is energy. 

(Eyes and mouth) Tell a story. It’s deep in our biology to use the eyes and breath for survival. It’s the circuit of trust to our self-awareness and decisions we make. The ability to manage and sustain energy through the respiratory system lies at the bottom floor. It holds tight to all our experiences and when the energy around us seems off, the breathing will change. This tells you in that moment how to respond. Control your breathing....control your life. 

One Love, Harv


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